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One Sustainable Health for All 2023 from 5 to 7 july in Lyon


The One Sustainable Health for All Forum was launched in Lyon, France, July, 2021. It brings together more than fifty professional and civil society organizations working across the globe on a holistic approach to health. One that takes into account human, animal and environmental health.

Over the past two years, the forum has convened a cross-disciplinary network of experts, collaborating through six permanent working groups. The forum has also hosted a series of conferences and webinars, tying together the social and environmental agenda through a holistic approach to health. Its main goal is to contribute towards a country-based operational approach defined by the principles of One Sustainable Health. Such a country approach will integrate policies, budgets, projects and programs implemented by public, non-governmental and private organizations.

The One Sustainable Health approach emerged from the lessons learned from the recent Covid-19 crisis. The Covid-19 crisis has been a preview of what has been deemed a ‘polycrisis’ - a series of overlapping challenges as human health is increasingly threatened by profound changes in our ecosystems due to climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, microbial resistance and other environmental threats. The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the challenges of interconnected systems for health, which integrate health, food, water, energy, and ecosystems.

It calls for re-evaluating our approach to health systems by moving beyond the universal health coverage agenda, to adopt a holistic approach that brings together sustainability and equity, pushing us to rethink our investments in health systems and our approach to service delivery and financing for health.

We call for a three-pronged agenda to build inclusive and adaptative systems for health:
- From One Health to Planetary Health : fostering public health institutions and programs that are fit for the 21st century, as a foundation to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.
- Green and Resilient systems: making the necessary investments in mitigation and adaptation through zero emission and climate-resilient health infrastructure and supply chains.
- Adaptive Social Protection: strengthening social protection systems that respond to climate and health vulnerability and build the financial instruments and systems for societies to adapt to climate change.

The first Global Forum will be held from July 5 to 7, 2023, at the Musée des Confluences in Lyon. This 3-day international event will bring together high-level political and technical stakeholders from different countries to discuss the recommendations drafted by the six international working groups and map out the path towards the integration of a One Sustainable Health approach in budgets, programs and projects at country-level.

It will take place as a multisite event, both on site and virtually, with international sessions planned live from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Senegal, Brazil, Lebanon and Germany, as part of an inclusive process.

We welcome professionals from all public and private organizations wishing to share their experience and question the status quo, aware of the need to go beyond silos in order to move forward in an interdisciplinary alliance, harnessing new methods of international cooperation to address the social and environmental challenges in health.

We invite you to participate and register!

For more informations and registration  :




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Discover our interviews

  • Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
    Director-General of WHO.

  • Stéphanie SEYDOUX,
    French Ambassador for Global Health.

  • Prof. Jean François MATTEI,
    Honorary President of the French Academy for Medicine and former French Minister of Health.

  • Dr. Thierry Lefrançois, Veterinarian,
    Director, Biological Systems Department at CIRAD.
  • Benoît MIRIBEL, secrétaire général de la Fondation « Une Santé Durable pour Tous », dans le cadre du Geneva Health Forum
  • Runa KHAN, Founder & Executive Director. Friendship.
    Présidente d’honneur de la Démarche OSH.
  • Table ronde du CFF : des fragilités environnementales aux fragilités humaines, une approche transversale indispensable.

    Honorary Supporters

    • Runa KHAN

      Runa KHAN

      Founder & Executive Director. Friendship.

      Honorary President of the OSH Forum Approach.

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    • Jean-Christophe RUFIN

      Jean-Christophe RUFIN

      Médecin, engagé dans l’action humanitaire, Jean-Christophe Rufin a occupé plusieurs postes de responsabilités à l’étranger, notamment celui d’ambassadeur de France au Sénégal.

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    • Detlev GANTEN

      Detlev GANTEN

      Professor Detlev Ganten, MD, PhD. is Founding President of the World Health Summit and Chairman of the Board of the Charité Foundation.

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    • Babette SIMON

      Babette SIMON

      Babette Simon is Professeur associé at the Faculté de Santé, Université de Paris and has wide national and international experience across the health system in non-private and private organizations with a strong focus on sustainability, innovation and value in health.

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    • Patrice DEBRE

      Patrice DEBRE

      Emeritus Professor of Immunology at the Sorbonne University of Paris and member of the Medicine Academy of France.

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